Software Development

Build an Angular2 app and run it on AWS using a Docker container in 30 minutes

In this article I will try to trans-pile the content of a tech meetup where I conducted a demo about “Building an Angular2 app and run it in a Docker Container on AWS in 30 minutes”. The main points are: Build Angular2 project with Angular-CLI and customize the home page with a simple Customers service… Continue reading Build an Angular2 app and run it on AWS using a Docker container in 30 minutes

Software Development

An Ingestion system of unstructured data-sources

Nowadays I’m focused on semantic web and graph relations. The stack of techs that I’m using is formed by lightweight services like an input adapter and a domain processor and some infrastructure software like EventStore geteventstore and Neo4J. I’m using EventStore as an input pipeline and Neo4J as a Domain Model store for a simple… Continue reading An Ingestion system of unstructured data-sources

Event Sourcing

Functional Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing example in C#

This is an example of an aggregate written in C# following a functional approach similar to what it is possible to achieve with languages like F#, Scala or Clojure. What it IS NOT in the Domain code example: An AggregateBase class An Aggregate Stateful class What it IS in the Domain code example: An Aggregate… Continue reading Functional Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing example in C#